The Superior Magazine # 64 digital issue is out now !!!
It is also available as print and download.
In this issue: Fashion Editorial by Daniel Cianfarra - ONLY HUMAN | Interview with WOHN,GARTEN CONCEPT STORE owner Mike Alexander Doepp | Selection - INTERIOR DESIGN | Fashion Editorial by Bea von Winterfeldt-Heuser - CANDY STORY (Cover) | Column by Sarah Weyers - MILLENNIALS | Fashion Editorial by Grayson Lauffenburger - CALL ME THE BREEZE | Interview with SHOPEUR co-founder Johannes Sréter | Fashion Editorial by Severine Queyras - INTO MY HOUSE | Fashion Editorial by Natacha Lamblin - WOOD FAIRY
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Many thanks to the photographers & their teams, the interview partners, the editors and everybody who worked hard for this Superior Magazine # 64 issue!
Dear Superior Magazine readers,
After a long break, among others caused by the fact that key team members left, Superior Magazine is back.
We used the time to recharge our creative batteries and to think about what was good and what could be improved. And most importantly, we found a wonderful new Creative Head - Beatrix von Winterfeldt-Heuser. Fortunately, Beatrix was able to pick up and continue the design of the previous editions of our last Creative Director Itamar Inbar. Thanks again Itamar for the great work you had done! So, the new issue seamlessly joins the last one before the break.
As in the past, we show great exclusive fashion editorials from around the world. This time we have five fashion editorials which come from Canada, France, Germany and Italy in the category Fashion + Beauty. Furthermore, we have exclusive interviews and texts in the categories Art + Design, Business + Society and Culture + Travel.
We hope you rejoice that Superior Magazine is back and enjoy the new issue.
Tom and the whole Superior Magazine team